With our 2nd batch of meat chickens we accidentally introduce a chicken virus to our layers through a vaccination that we were not aware of, which caused our girls to stop laying eggs for about 2 months. We are just now starting to get eggs again. The 4 pack is giving us 2 eggs every 3 days (this week) and they are thin pale shells, so they are still recovering. Despite their virus and recovery their eggs are still much more appealing than the commercial store bought ones. This is even more apparent when shown side-by-side. In that measuring cup our 2 dark yellow/orange yolks from the backyard, and one store bought egg that is a sickly pale yellow yolk with a runny white.
I'm hoping that by Thanksgiving we are back to getting 2 to 3 eggs day from the back yard.
With the sudden stop in eggs we thought we might have had some other issues, like an egg eater, a poacher, or laying eggs in strange places. Before we discovered the live vaccine exposure from the meat flock I set up camera and made videos. Coming soon will be a write on a way to monitor live stock using Raspberry Pi, and cheap WiFi and webcams. There will be videos in that post.
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